It has gone from Ray Rice to Adrian Peterson.  And the list is growing about the NFL players and moral issues.  These incidents happened not under the watch of NFL security or the NFL police.  But they happen where all of us live and work in society.

I’ve heard of domestic violence.  I’ve seen incidents of it and it’s brutal and messy.  But try and intercede and you might find yourself being yelled at by both of the people involved.  Police respond to these calls everyday and does everyone go to jail?  Do they prosecute 100%.  Absolutely not.  The victim becomes the champion of the accused.  And after it’s all done and time passes there is hardly anyone to testify.

Ray Rice was for all intention purposes tried and convicted.  His sentence 2 days by the NFL.  In the court the real one that hands down decisions Rice was not jailed and convicted.  He was let go.  His girlfriend didn’t want to pursue the punishment and decided she would stand beside him and try to work it out.  But the NFL and Roger Goodell didn’t see the storm that was on the horizon.  The one that isn’t going away any time soon.  The one that blames Goodell which isn’t his fault.  The owners of a business doesn’t have to punish his employees.  There isn’t a moral code that is part of the employee contract.  But if there is then the rules would apply to certain cases but 100% I think not.

Unfortunately Adrian Peterson chose to spank his child and left marks.  He isn’t the only person who brought children up this way.  I remember a lot of days being beat down.  Today I turned out okay.  Without it I don’t think I would have been able to survive.  Although it did shape who I am and what I believe.  Discipline is left to parents.  If they choose to discipline with a switch.  I don’t have any problem with that.  But when the marks are on the face.  When the discipline becomes a beating.  Which some parents would defend that there kids deserved.  I had those times when I would be hit for multiple things and probably just because my dad was mad.  But to be in child protective service for it I would have rather been with my parents.  The court system is never thinking about doing what’s best for everyone.

Rice, Peterson and the names that will come to light this football season is coming in because of what?  Why the NFL?  I can see a time when this could lead to the ban of football because it’s a violent game.  This could cause some to say those that play this game could lead them to be violent.  And that may be true.  But to say that it’s the prime reason I don’t think so.

So the players who have done these offenses are not punished or slightly punished by the court system.  But now the public is trying to say that these individuals should be banned from working.  I just don’t see how that helps anything.